What to Expect on Your Safari to Tanzania : The word “safari” derives from the Swahili language and means “trip.” It is also the root of the East African verb “to travel.” Tanzania is by far the best African country for safaris, with many national parks, UNESCO World Heritage Sites, beaches and Africa’s tallest mountain. Serengeti National Park has been named the ‘Best Safari Destination‘ out of various national parks across Africa by critics for multiple years in a row, bolstering Tanzania’s claim as Africa’s top safari destination. As a result, a safari is more than just a vacation; it is an African travel experience.

Almost everyone fantasizes about going on a safari in Tanzania, which is probably the world’s best safari destination. Mount Kilimanjaro, Ngorongoro crater, Serengeti, and Zanzibar Island are among things that attracts visitors from all over the world to visit tanzania, they also make tanzania being famous as the best safari destination in Africa. Tanzania has it all whether you’re looking for wildlife safari, cultural safari, hiking safari, city tours and even honeymoon safari experience at the beautiful beaches of Zanzibar. Whatever the motivation for travel, there is always apprehension about what to expect on a Tanzania safari. To take the edge off the anticipation, here are the 6 things to expect on your Tanzania safari tour:

What to Expect on Your Safari to Tanzania
  1. Various Unique Landscapes

Tanzania has a diversified ecology that includes everything from golden savannas and plains to mountains and forests, waterfalls, walled cities, and islands that provide a tropical paradise of epic proportions. A normal safari will allow you to see a magnificent array of these settings. You’ll be able to drive on difficult roads, some of which are nearly impassable at points, while taking in the stunning natural beauty along the way.

The Ngorongoro Conservation Area is one of the most visited parks with a unique terrain. The Ngorongoro Crater, a vast volcanic caldera that provides a safe sanctuary for 25,000 large animals, including 26 black rhinoceros and roughly 62 powerful lions, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and Africa’s “Garden of Eden.” the stunning scenery of the Ngorongoro makes it impossible not to include it on any African travel itinerary.

Mount Kilimanjaro is another notable site with breathtaking scenery. It is the world’s tallest free-standing mountain and Africa’s highest peak. If you go on a safari in Tanzania, you should expect to see a variety of landscapes. Other landscapes you might see in your Tanzania safari holiday are rift valley, the mount meru– fifth largest mountain in Africa, lake Victoria, lake Tanganyika etc.

  1. Awesome wildlife

Tanzania has long been known for its amazing animal concentration and diversity (and birdlife as well). A herd of zebras and wildebeests in one corner and a pride of lions or hyenas in the other is not unusual. Many travelers have stated that the quantity of animals they saw in other safari destinations such as South Africa in 2 weeks is comparable to the number of animals they saw in Tanzania in only 5 days.

The Great Wildebeest Migration is an iconic wildlife phenomenon in Tanzania, where millions of wildebeests, zebras, gazelles, and predators migrate clockwise around the East African plains in preparation for rain and better grazing. This occurrence occurs throughout the year, so no matter what month you visit the Serengeti, you will undoubtedly be able to witness this migration as long as you have a competent guide leading your tour. Apart from Serengeti national park, other parks to see many number of wildlife in your Tanzania safari tour are Lake Manyara national park, Tarangire national park, Ngorongoro crater, Ruaha national park, Mkomazi national park, nyerere national park etc.

What to Expect on Your Safari to Tanzania
Wildebeest Migration
  1. Many different tourist activities for all kind of travelers

Going on a safari entails more than just animal viewing and game driving. Tanzania has many tourist attractions making it having many different tourist activities that suit every kind of safari travelers whether it’s a family travelers, or solo travelers.  Other activities apart from game drives are available to you, whether you travel alone, with a partner, or with a family or group. Hot air balloon excursions, where you can float across historic parks and witness spectacular wildlife strewn across the plains; cultural visit, bird watching, canoeing safari, bush meals, scuba diving, snorkeling, mountain treks; and even a trip to the beach to complete your African vacation.

  1. One-of-a-kind accommodations

Tanzanian accommodations range from affordable camping tents, which are popular with backpackers and travelers who like to rough it, to conventional lodges or tented camps with basic facilities, to opulent hotel-style lodges and spectacular tented camps that are simply magnificent in every way.

On your Tanzania safari experience, You will either be staying in an exclusive area in the wilderness surrounded by stunning vistas and freely roaming animals, or you will be staying in camps or lodges strategically located along areas with easy access to wildlife encounters or attractions, depending on the type of accommodation you choose.

  1. Close encounters with wild animals

On your Tanzania safari tour you’ll be driving in an open vehicle with wild creatures nearby. In your game drive you will be encountering many wildlife in a very close distance. Or the more experience you can choose to go for walking safari, the activity that give you a high chance of seeing wildlife in a more close distance without even disturbing them.

  1. Diversity of culture

Tanzania has more than 120 tribes, and each practice its own way of living, each with its own cultural. Due to this Tanzania has been known as one of the best destination to go for cultural experience. The majority of visitors come to Tanzania to see the wildlife, but they fall in love with the people. Maasai and Hadzabe people, Datoga people, Iraqw people, and Zanzibari will all greet you as friends. With 120 different tribes in Tanzania, learning about some of them is a must-do on any Tanzania trip.

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