Uganda Wildlife Reserves : Uganda as a country is filled with numerous wildlife, tree and bird species which have not all been gazetted in national game parks which has over the years called for the gazetting of wildlife reserves to be able to protect these endangered wildlife species of the Country. All wildlife reserves are under the management of the Uganda wildlife Authority which is the body in charge of governing all things related to Uganda’s Wildlife and bird species. In total Uganda has 12 wildlife reserves that are spread throughout the different regions of the country these wildlife reserves include; Kigezi wildlife reserve, Bukora wildlife reserve, Semuliki wildlife reserve, Ajai wildlife reserve, Matheniko wildlife reserve, Karuma wildlife reserve, Bugungu wildlife reserve, Pian Upe wildlife reserve, Kyambura wildlife reserve to mention but a few with details about each of the wildlife reserve such as when it was established, what features they have , the surface area among others elaborated individually as follows.


Bukora wildlife reserve is found in the north eastern part of Uganda and was established in the year 1964. Bukora wildlife reserve is found between Moroto and Mt Elgon and it is south west of Karamoja district. Bukora wildlife reserve has beautiful plateau, inselbergs and it is characterised of dry savannah grassland. Bukora wildlife reserve is approximately 508.6 kilometres by road from Kampala via Kampala – Gulu high way. Bukora wildlife reserve is filled with numerous wildlife species such as cheetahs, Hartebeest, Elands, Leopards, antelopes, spotted hyenas, Giraffes, Uganda Kobs, Topis, Zebras, elephants to mention but a few. Bukora wildlife reserve is filled with numerous bird species like; African hill barbler, eastern bronze napped pigeon, Egyptian Vulture, Lemon dove, Cattle egret, black throated wattle eye, black headed plover to mention but a few. Bukora wildlife reserve is indeed a great destination for wildlife and birding safaris.


Ajai wildlife reserve is a very small game reserve that is found in westnile region particularly in Arua district. Ajai forest reserve was gazetted in the year 1965 and the total ground surface area is approximately 148 square kilometres. Ajai wildlife reserve is approximately 497 km by road from Kampala via Luwero Nebbi to Arua town. The drive is usually around 6 to 7 hrs.  This wildlife reserve initially hosted numerous wildlife species including the endangered white Rhino species however due to the increased poaching activities all the endangered Rhino species were taken to Ziwa Rhino sanctuary. However, Ajai forest reserve still boast to have numerous wildlife species which include; Hippos along the Nile River, Uganda Kob, black and white colobus monkeys, bush bucks, hartebeest, warthogs, water bucks to mention but a few. Ajai wildlife reserve also has numerous bird species such as Grey crowned cranes, Marabou stocks, African fish eagle, White backed vultures, helmeted guinea fowl, black headed weaver, white browed coucal, little bee eater to mention but a few. All these bird species will indeed fulfil a bird lovers’ interest and enable them to be able to have a great Birding safari at Ajai wildlife reserve.


Kabwoya Wildlife Reserve is one of Uganda’s recently gazette game reserves which was gazetted in the year 2002. This natural wonder is located in the western part of Uganda at the center of the great Albertine rift valley. Kabwoya wildlife reserve occupies a total ground surface area of approximately 87 square Kilometers making it among Uganda’s small gazette areas. Kabwoya wildlife reserve is indeed a paradise of nature enthusiasts and wildlife lovers not forgetting Bird lover offering a glimpse of Uganda’s Unique and rich biodiversity not forgetting the beautiful and stunning landscapes that surround this treasure. Kabwoya wildlife reserve is greatly known for its diverse eco-system that includes, the expansive savannah grasslands / vegetation, dense woodlands and shimmering surfaces of the lake. Kabwoya wildlife reserve’s landscape is mainly characterized by rolling green hills, rock out crops and the beautiful meandering streams of waters which has greatly created different types of habitats to support the occupation by different wildlife species and bird species.

One of Kabwoya wildlife reserve’s great and outstanding feature is it being situated next to   Lake Albert to the north which has make it possible for tourists to launch massive boat cruises during their visit at Kabwoya game reserve. The famous freshwater lake Albert not only provides scenic views but also serves as serves as a home to numerous wildlife species. Some of the numerous and great wildlife species at Kabwoya wildlife reserve include; Uganda Kob, duiker, bush buck, hippos, bush pig, Oribi, buffaloes, colobus monkeys carnivores such as leopards and hyena, chimpanzees, water bucks and bird species such as handsome francolin, Rwenzori turaco, Willard’s sooty boubou, stripe – breasted tit, Grauer’s broadbill to mention but a few these bird species are over 300 which indeed makes it great destination for a Uganda bird safari.


Karuma wildlife reserve is situated in north western region of Uganda next to Kiryandongo district.  Karuma game reserve joins Murchison falls national park and is home to the famous Karuma falls along the Kampala- Arua high way. Karuma game reserve is approximately 261.6 km from Kampala the capital city of Uganda. Karuma game reserve was established in 1960s creating a wall between the great Murchison falls national park. While at Karuma game reserve a tourist has beautiful natural wonder to view ranging from  the rapid Karuma falls to the still waters of the Victoria Nile flowing, the different wildlife species that include; baboons, black and white colobus monkeys, bush bucks, warthogs, water bucks , hippos, Uganda Kobs, giraffes, elephants, lions, leopards, hyenas to mention but a few , the different bird species like, Shoe bill, Kingfishers, heron, swamp flycatcher, grey crowned cranes, sunbirds, yellow throated leaf love, cormorants, cuckoos to mention but a few, the different tree species, primates and the scattered savannah grassland.  Karuma falls gives an opportunity for great Hiking safari opportunities. This great game reserve can be accessed by road or by Air.

Uganda Wildlife Reserves
Karuma Wildlife Reserve


Kyambura wildlife reserve is located in the south western part of Uganda bordering Kazinga Channel Lake George and Queen Elizabeth national park. This beautiful game reserve comprises of small green hills and beautiful crater lakes. Kyambura wildlife reserve is filled with numerous wildlife species such as; Ugandan Kob, Giant Forest hog, warthog, Topi, red tailed monkeys, leopards, civet, genal and serval cats, African elephant, zebra, African buffalo, chimpanzees, crocodiles, spotted hyenas, water buck, side stripped jackals, mongooses, giant forest hogs, cheetah, bush pigs, baboons to mention but a few. Kyambura wildlife reserve also has numerous bird species; Papyrus gonolek, black and white casqued hornbill, pink backed pelican, saddle billed stork, red chested sunbird, African skimmer, black headed gonolek, grey heron, great blue turaco, glossy ibis, golden rumped tinkerbird, dusty blue flycatcher, eastern grey plantain eater, emerald-spotted wood dove, African open billed stork, black headed oriole, black headed lapwing, African fin foot, blue napped mousebird, crowned eagle, brown parrots to mention but a few. Kyambura wildlife reserve is known for being home to numerous Chimpanzees that makes it a great chimpanzee trekking destination. The presence of the Chimpanzees at Kyambura wildlife reserve has made it possible for Kyambura wildlife reserve to attract many tourists since Chimpanzee trekking is one of the most thrilling tourist activity one can ever participate in.

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