Mountain gorilla trekking vs mountain hiking : Uganda and Rwanda are famous for giving their visitors the most amazing and fulfilling mountain gorillas experiences as well as unmatched mountain hiking experiences.

Yes.. people visit the two countries to either visit the gorillas in their natural habitat or to hike one of the mountains in the country.

Uganda has mountain gorillas in south western Uganda in Bwindi National park and Mgahinga national park; as Rwanda has gorillas in Volcanoes National park.

Uganda’s mountains that are usually hiked include the great mountain Rwenzori, Mt. Elgon and the Virunga massif gahinga, Sabinyo and muhavarua .

Rwanda, the land of a thousand hills has Mountains Karisimi, Bisoke and Muhavarua for hiking..

So whether you visit Uganda or Rwanda you will be sure to have both mountain gorilla trekking and hiking.

But which is better?

First you should know that they both involve some climbing, one more than the other so that may be the only major difference.

However, as the saying goes beauty lies in the hands of the beholder, so what’s best is really up to the person on the tour or safari. However, to give you an insight in each trip here is a breakdown of what you should expect on either tour.

Mountain gorilla trekking

On a mountain gorilla trekking experience you get to enter one of the most magnificent tropical mountainous forests, where you get to experience the mountain gorillas in their natural setting.

The gorillas live in high altitudes si the forests are usually mountainous forests. Meaning on this experience you will climb the mountainous terrains for about 3 to 6 hours depending on the pace you are trekking until you find the gorillas.

When you find the gorillas you will spend ab hour with them and after that hour go out of the forest.

On this experience you will have a nature adventure in the forest encountering tree species you have never seen before, different forest creatures, birds butterflies and other things.

Mountain gorilla trekking vs mountain hiking

You will also see the famous apes the mountain gorillas face to face.

And this will all be done in one day, in fact in Rwanda it can be a half day if the terrains are good.

So in a nutshell, mountain gorilla trekking is more of the apes and the nature you get to experience.

Mountain hiking

It also involves climbing a mountain, but the goal is not to see gorillas this time. The goal is to reach the mountain top.

The mountain hiking experience. Takes actually more time than gorilla trekking, so you may be at it up to 7 or 8 days depending on which mountain you are climbing.

Though mountains like Gahinga, bisoke and some peaks on Mt. Elgon can be conquered in day, but it can be quite hectic and physically demanding.

And I will take this time to side not that all mountain hiking, needs you to be physically fit; if you are not your body will crash.

The mountain hiking experience starts from the bottom of the mountain then you ascend to a given pitstop where you spend a night before continuing the next day or days until you make it to the ultimate peak.

At the peak you will spend a few hours there taking pictures and resting and then after descend the mountain to the nearest pitstop for the night and then continue the descend for the next day or days and until you make it to the bottom.

On the hiking, apart from making it it to the peak you will enjoy beautiful sceneries of the surroundings and unique features on thee mountain like the crater lakes and many others.

So between mountain gorilla trekking and hiking, you choose what your heart desires.

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