A memorable tour to Zanzibar in East Africa A memorable tour to Zanzibar in East Africa : Zanzibar is a wonderful, romantic, and stunningly beautiful tropical island. It combines fantastic safari and trekking options on the mainland and offers a wide range of accommodations. There is a vast range of things to do, particularly some diving, snorkeling, kite-surfing, and cultural activities. It is a perfect destination for vacationers, tourists, adventure lovers, and wildlife enthusiasts. Zanzibar is a beautiful island that …

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Little Okavango serengeti camp is a small – mid- range accommodation found near the western gate of the famous and Tanzania’s wildlife Serengeti national park. The camp is nestled right between the edge of Lake Victoria and serengeti national park just 5 minutes’ drive from ndabaka gate overlooking the beautiful views of surrounding areas. One can be at the Lodge taking approximately 6 hours’ drive from Arusha town to Serengeti national park and 1-2 hours to fly from Arusha to …

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2 Days Mikumi National Park Safari from Dar Es Salaam : Mikumi is about three hundred and fifty Kilometers (350 km) from Dar es Salaam, about a 4 to 5-hour drive considering traffic. The 3,230 square kilometers Mikumi National Park is home to animals that can be seen all year long, including buffalo, wildebeest, zebra, lion, elephant, impala, hippos, baboons, giraffes, warthogs, waterbucks, and eland. An extremely accessible wilderness, Mikumi National Park is sometimes compared to the well-known Serengeti National …

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Things to do in Mombasa : There are numerous tourist attract attractions and things to do in Mombasa city-Kenya’s second largest city after Nairobi. Let’s start with a little background knowledge before we get into them. The headquarters of a larger country that includes several other surrounding smaller islands, Mombasa is an island in the Indian Ocean. Mombasa is situated along Kenya’s eastern coast and is the country’s second-largest metropolis after Nairobi. At first, Mombasa was referred to as “Manbasa,” …

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Bagamoyo Historical Tour : Bagamoyo is one of the most famous cities that has a great history and it has a great connection with tourism activities. It existed since time in memorial. It was once the most important and significant trading center on the coast of east Africa as it was a trading town linking merchants from various continents in the world. This was prior to the rise of slave trading activities at the city were other activities especially for …

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A joint Tour to Selous Game Reserve : Selous game reserve is one of the best national parks in Tanzania that most people prefer to visit it. It is one of the few parks in the world having full of small camps. It is said to be almost larger than Switzerland in size. Selous game reserve is currently best known as Nyerere national park. The name selous were used formerly before it was transformed to be called Nyerere national park. …

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Exploring Tanzania Tourism : Barbaig is a tribe of Nilotic people who migrated from Sudan and settled in the Manyara, Mara, Arusha, and Singida Regions of Tanzania. Currently, the large population of the Barbaig tribe lives near Mount Hanang (3,418 meters high) in the north of Tanzania. The Bargaigs are sometimes known as Datoga. They speak the Datoga language fluently, although its dialects differ, somewhat making communication difficult. A few of the Barbaig speak the Kiswahili language (the national language of …

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Outdoor Activities to Enjoy While On a Trip : Almost everyone is aware that having the outdoor activities while traveling is worth important. Most of us would have enjoyed having exposed to outside and inhale some fresh air when we are traveling. We are all aware that spending our time outdoor inhaling fresh air is good and important for our health. The sad but the truth is that most of us do not know where and when to start having …

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Ugalla game reserve is one among the national parks in Tanzania despite being not well known to the majority of people who dare to visit various places such as historical areas as well as national parks. The Ugalla game reserve is located on the Tabora region, west – central part of Tanzania. The total area of the national park covers about 3865 kilometer squares. This area is equivalent to the total of 1, 492.28 square miles. Ugalla national park is …

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Glorious Mount Kilimanjaro : Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania is the highest mountain in Africa, at around five thousand, eight hundred and ninety-five meters (5,895 meters, which is equivalent to 19,340 ft.). It is the largest solo climb in the world, which implies that it doesn’t belong to a range of mountains, but rather a single stand-alone mountain with such an incredible height. Mount Kilimanjaro is additionally referred to as a stratovolcano (a term for an oversized volcano fabricated from ash, …

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